I no longer see my specialist (60yr/Sydney/female)
Post date:7月 26, 2015

(This workshop is over.)



I have been under Sala’s care since early 2004, after being referred by a close friend, and see her every couple of weeks, apart from holiday periods. At the time I commenced seeing her, I had just been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and was suffering from a wide range of symptoms associated with the disease,one of the most debilitating being a lack of energy, which meant that I had trouble working a 5 day week.

Since I have been seeking Sala, the original symptoms have disappeared and although not in remission, my condition has not developed and I no longer see my specialist. My general health has improved, I have more energy and only get an occasional virus. As well as physical ailments, Sala has also treated me for the emotional ups and downs of normal living, as well as giving me tips on losing weight and exercise to tone stomach muscles. She also gives the best facial massages. I look forward to Sala’s sessions every fortnight as I always leave feeling energised and nutured, often having fallen asleep during the session. I highly recommend her services to all.

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