Chronic Symptoms
Tension and Pain, Headaches, Migraine, Swelling, Insomnia, Asthma, Allergies, Weight loss, Weight gain
Panic Attack, For particular types of personalities, Claustrophobia, Acrophobia, Agoraphobia, Fear of animals, darkness, fire, water and other elements, Anxiety and uncertainty
Cigarettes, Alcohol, Drugs, Caffeine, Gambling, Compulsive Shopping, Obsession with perfection
Lack of Confidence, Lack of Self-esteem, Difficult to express in positive way, Short temper, Doubtfulness, Excessive worry, Depression
Negative feelings towards your partner or another person, Worry about other people’s reactions, Difficult to say NO to others, Feel guilty after saying NO to others, Repeating unsatisfying intimate relationships, Difficult to let go of past relationship
Childhood Trauma
Clear traumatic memories from the past that prevent you from growing and moving forward, most trauma are staying subconscious memories which you don’t remember.
Chakra Balance
Stimulate and balance seven major energy points on the body to keep body optimum level.
Past Life
Recall the tasks and messages from past lives. Learn to understand the reason why you are here on this planet at this particular time. Clear traumatic memories from past lives that prevent you from growing and moving forward.
Bio-computer Maintenance
For people who can’t relax, has trouble to stop thinking. Defragment unnecessary memories to optimize the function of the brain.